RMK by Freshjive. It is the signature collection from the brand specially designed by Freshjives owner Richard Mendel Klotz. What makes this line great is that it possesses a sophisticated flare while sustaining American style conventions which according to him is the influence of street style
當一堆毛小子們拼命在用鈔票追neon撞色跟all print
[ 極簡 ] 與 [ 品質 ] 就是RMK by freshjive開出你無法拒絕又讓你滿意接受的條件
超越一般潮流的精緻但是沒有[ 設計 ]的事故俗庸
一掛60年代文豪 嬉皮詩人 思想解放作家 社運偉人
一種再多錢也買不到 套用icon也穿不出來的格調
為什麼要說RMK by Freshjive是街牌中的維托·柯里昂?
仔細想想 有哪個潮牌是以傳統家族方式經營?
有多屌? 盡在不言中
1 則留言:
William S Burroughs 一定不會支持RMK. That is a disgrace that they use his quote on their website!!!!