活了二十六年,聽了十幾年音樂,最近聽到了一個真的夠壞、夠邪惡,會令人怕到脊椎發麻的一個壞團,雖然說Cannibal Corpse那群老伯血腥腐爛是最拿手,不過講老實在那都太科幻不夠真實,就像你他媽的失眠,佛萊迪就拿你沒轍那樣虛浮;就像史蒂芬席格如果是個侏儒,他媽的手頂著他的頭就動不了你那樣無聊。
不過1984瑞典成軍的老鞭Cranium雖然傻傻的,可是他們真的壞透了!這群老阿伯以"速度金屬戰士"自居,一共發了一張單曲兩張專輯,張張都以speed metal為頭銜也自稱很賭爛 pop/synth, disco 和 grunge ,而且擺明了就是要在日常生活中威脅你。
其中我最怕他們 Speed Metal Slaughter 專輯裡的Dentist of Death這首歌......
Welcome to my clinic
Have a seat in the padded chair
I'll fix your teeth alright And my price is always fair
And now you wake up screaming
The drill is bouncing in your oral cavity
This is real, you are not dreaming
Your limbs shake in insanity
Eat the fuckin' drill! AHHHHHHH!
Ha, ha, ha, ha! OHHHHHHHHHH!
Tongue and teeth, fly in the air
The drill is alive inside your head
You shit yourself and you're strapped in the chair
Your brain explodes with pain and then you're dead
The final swing is indeed a drill
It's how many people I can kill
I'm in charge and I drill at will
The dentist of death!
What was once a pretty head
Is now a mess of skin, teeth and flesh
My white coat is now blood red
The dentist of death!
How can I help you sir?
Oh please, have a seat
I'll free you of your pain
Yes I am armed to the teeth Open your mouth, idiot!
AAAAAHHHH!!!!!! Ha, ha, ha! OOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!
Open your mouth! OOOOHH, AAAHHH!!
Eat the drill! UUAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! You idiot, eat it! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!
The final swing is indeed a drill
It's how many people I can kill
I'm in charge and I drill at will
The dentist of death!
其他還有些雞掰的曲子叫Slaughter on the Dance Floor或是Taxi Terror等等
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